Self-Care With Endometriosis



Cara King, DO, director, benign gynecologic surgery affiliate application director of minimally invasive gynecologic operation (MIGS), Cleveland Clinic.

Ken Sinervo, MD, health care director, Center for Endometriosis Treatment, Atlanta.

Patrick Yeung Jr., MD, director, SLUCare Centre for Endometriosis assistant professor, division of obstetrics & gynecology, Saint Louis University.

Global Journal of Women’s Health: “Anxiety and despair in individuals with endometriosis: influence and management worries,” “Self-management and psychological-sexological interventions in people with endometriosis: tactics, outcomes, and integration into clinical treatment.” 

Heart for Endometriosis Care: “Endometriosis and Bowel Signs or symptoms.”

American Journal of Reproductive Immunology: “Evidence for an affiliation among endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune conditions.”

Frontiers in Pediatrics: “Endometriosis as a Comorbid Condition in Serious Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): Secondary Analysis of Details From a CFS Situation-Control Research.”

PLoS A person: “Women with Endometriosis Are Far more Most likely to Endure From Migraines: A Populace-Based mostly Examine.”

Journal of Women’s Health: “Quality of Everyday living in Women of all ages with Endometriosis: An Integrative Overview.”

Mother nature: “Endometriosis.”

Einstein (Sao Paulo): “Patients with endometriosis utilizing good coping methods have less melancholy, strain and pelvic agony.”

Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology: “Mental well being, pain indicators and systemic comorbidities in women with endometriosis: a cross-sectional analyze.”

Journal of Bodily Therapy Science: “Efficacy of exercise on pelvic discomfort and posture linked with endometriosis: within just subject structure.”

Annals of Behavioral Medication: “Mindfulness Meditation for Long-term Agony: Systematic Critique and Meta-examination.”

JAMA Psychiatry: “Association of Hormonal Contraception With Despair.”

Cureus: “Evaluation and Treatment method of Female Sexual Soreness: A Clinical Evaluate.”

Harvard Overall health Publishing, Harvard Healthcare College: “Pelvic bodily therapy: A different likely procedure solution.”

Global Urogynecology Journal: “Pelvic floor rehabilitation in the remedy of females with dyspareunia: a randomized controlled clinical demo.”

Mayo Clinic Proceedings: “Recognition and Management of Nonrelaxing Pelvic Ground Dysfunction.”

Endometriosis Foundation of The us: “Need Some Gymnasium-spiration? Physical exercise Can Aid Your Endo.”

Journal of Health Psychology: “Coping procedures utilized by women with endometriosis in a general public health-treatment placing.”

Journal of Medical Online Analysis: “Therapeutic Affordances of On the net Guidance Team Use in Ladies With Endometriosis.”

BMJ Open: “Does endometriosis influence expert lifetime? A matched situation-handle study in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.”

Cedars Sinai: “Endometriosis Q&A with Dr. Kelly Wright.”

UpToDate: “Treatment of infertility in ladies with endometriosis.”

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde: “Supporting and Inhibiting Aspects When Coping with Endometriosis From the Patients’ Point of view.”


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