Christian Sex Education Books | Sex Ed Rescue


I receive lots of requests from Christian parents for sex education books that reflect their faith-based values.

So you’ll find a list of sex education books that talk about God and may refer back to the bible.

Now, my main concern with Christian books, is that they often talk about sin (an awful lot). And after many years of working in sexual health, I have seen firsthand the harm that this can do. I have seen the guilt and shame that adults can feel over sexual activity, and how it then impacts on their ability to have a loving (and healthy) relationship.

So just be mindful of messages that are shameful or based on sin, as it is possible to share your Christian values without instilling shame and guilt. Patricia Weerakoon shows how this can be done with her Birds and Bees series of books.

And I’m sorry to say, that I have not looked inside many of them (if I have, you’ll find it listed below as a book review). Many of the books listed have been recommended to me by parents. Which means that I don’t know the history of the author or the organisation publishing them. And some of these books may be anti-masturbation, abstinence-based (ie sex should only happen within marriage), transphobic, homophobic, and unsupportive of gender diversity. Plus the values, beliefs and attitudes inside are those of the authors (and not mine).

So look carefully at the Amazon reviews before you buy.

You can find more books about different topics in the main list of Sex Education Books for Children.

You’ll find more information about sex education in my Sex Education 101 page.

NOTE: Before passing any book to your child or reading the book with your child, you should read it yourself first. I might think it is a great book for a certain age child or that the information is valuable, but you may disagree. You need to choose books that reflect your values and the messages you want your child to receive.

Christian Sex Education Books

These are books that I have personally reviewed.

The Learning About Sex Series

A popular series of books that I often see recommended on Christian blogs is the Learning About Sex series. I have only looked inside earlier editions and not the latest editions.

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The Learning About Sex Series

This is how the Publisher describes this book series: An honest, Christian approach to the body, relationships, and sex. This series teaches preschoolers through adults about God’s great gifts to us as males and females and how we are uniquely made to love Him and serve others. The parent guide, ‘How to Talk Confidently with Your Child about Sex’, takes you through all the stages of your child’s development to assist you in providing biological facts; establishing behaviors, values, and attitudes of a growing Christian; and affirming the love and forgiveness of Jesus for each of us.

There is a book for parents – How to Talk Confidently with Your Child about Sex – to support you in having these sex-ed conversations. You can find this book at Amazon.

The children’s books are available in two editions: boys and girls.

The boy’s edition includes:

Why Boys and Girls are Different (for boys aged 3-5). This book is about the differences between boys and girls. You can find this book at Amazon.

Where Do Babies Come From? (for boys aged 6-8). This book is about how a baby is made, develops and is born. Sex is included. You can find this book at Amazon.

How You Are Changing (for boys aged 9-11). This book is about puberty and sex. You can find this book at Amazon.

Sex & the New You (for boys aged 12-14). This book talks more about puberty, but goes more into the emotional, social and spiritual aspects. Sex is also discussed. You can find this book at Amazon.

Love, Sex & God (for boys aged 14 and Up). This book is more about sexuality and relationships and includes topics like dating, pornography and premarital sex. You can find this book at Amazon.

The girl’s edition includes:

Why Boys and Girls are Different (for girls aged 3-5). This book is about the differences between boys and girls. You can find this book at Amazon.

Where Do Babies Come From? (for girls aged 6-8). This book is about how a baby is made, develops and is born. Sex is included. You can find this book at Amazon.

How You Are Changing (for girls aged 9-11). This book is about puberty and sex. You can find this book at Amazon.

Sex & the New You (for girls aged 12-14). This book talks more about puberty, but goes more into the emotional, social and spiritual aspects. Sex is also discussed. You can find this book at Amazon.

Love, Sex & God (for girls aged 14 and Up). This book is more about sexuality and relationships and includes topics like dating, pornography and premarital sex. You can find this book at Amazon.

God’s Design for Sex Series

Another popular series of sex education books is the God’s Design for Sex series by Stan and Brenda Jones. You can buy them as the fullest or individually.

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God’s Design for Sex Series

This is what the Publisher has to say about them: Parents, God gave you your sexuality as a precious gift. God gave your children sexuality as well. If handled responsibly, God’s gift of sexuality to your child will be a source of blessing and delight. The God’s Design For Sex series helps parents shape their children’s character, particularly in the area of sexuality. Sex education in the family is less about giving biological information and more about shaping your child’s moral character. The children’s books in this series are designed to be starting points for Christian parents to discuss sexuality with their children in a manner appropriate to each age. They provide an anchor point for discussions, a jump start to get discussions going.

Here’s their YouTube video that outlines the series in a couple of minutes.

This series of books includes:

The Story of Me: Babies, Bodies, and a Very Good God is for 3 to 5 year old children. This book is about bodies and babies and includes pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding, how babies grow (after birth), the difference between girl and boy babies, bodily autonomy and privacy. You can buy this book at Amazon. I think this book is more about where babies come from, than how they are made (or sex).

Before I Was Born: God Knew My Name is for 5 to 8 year old children. This book is an introduction to reproduction and pregnancy and includes the basics of sex, the changes that happen during puberty, the science behind conception and pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. You can buy this book from Amazon.

What’s the Big Deal?: Why God Cares about Sex is for 8 to 12 year old children. This book is about puberty and sex and includes why we have sexual feelings, why sex is designed for marriage, puberty, how to respond to sexual pressure, the importance of committing to purity and chastity, pornography, same-sex relationships and sexual abuse. You can buy this book from Amazon.

Facing the Facts: The Truth about Sex and You is for 12 to 16 year old children. This book is about love, sex and relationships during adolescence. It includes the changes of puberty (internal and external), the science behind pregnancy and birthing, why sex is good (and a beautiful gift), romance, dating and how relationships mature, protecting purity and sexual health, the theological meaning of sex, masturbation, sex addiction, gender identity and same-sex love. You can buy this book at Amazon.

How and When to Tell Your Kids about Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child’s Sexual Character is for parents. This book is designed to guide you through biblical sex ed conversations and has been updated to include sexual orientation, gender identity and pornography. You can buy this book at Amazon.

Luke & Trisha Gilkerson books (Intoxicated on Life)

Luke and Trisha, Gilkerson from the popular Christian blog Intoxicated on Life, have a trio of sex education books that are very popular with Christian families. These are books that are designed to be read with your children. I have personally bought the printable version of these books, and looked through them.

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Luke and Trisha Gilkerson

The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality is designed to be read with 6 to 10 year old children. The 7 lessons include the differences between male and female bodies, sexual intercourse and how babies are made, how babies grow and are born, intimacy that is created through sex, the sin of adultery, rape and sexual abuse, and honouring god with your body. You can buy this book at Amazon.

Changes: 7 Biblical Lessons to Make Sense of Puberty is designed to be read with 8 to 12 year old children. This book is about puberty and the 7 lessons are why puberty is important, how bodies change though all of life, the hormonal and psychological changes of puberty, the physical changes of puberty, changes for girls, changes for boys and physical attraction. You can buy this book from Amazon.

Relationships: 11 Lessons to Give Kids a Greater Understanding of Biblical Sexuality is designed to be read with 11 to 14 year old children. This book is about biblical sexuality and relational integrity. The 11 lessons include the original goodness of sexuality and marriage, sin and sexual brokenness, sexual and relational temptations (masturbation, porn, same-sex attraction), strategies for avoiding and overcoming lust, guarding your heart from sexual and relational idolatry, making a covenant with your eyes to avoid temptation, fleeing sexually tempting situations, intimacy with God and gratitude for wholesome pleasure, being wise in opposite-sex relationships, the value of accountability relationships, the life-transforming grace of God for sexual sinners. You can buy this book from Amazon.

Jim Burn’s – Pure Foundations Series

Pure Foundations by Jim Burns is another popular sex education author for Christian families. They are a mix of books for children and parents.

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Jim Burn’s Pure Foundations

This what the Publisher has to say about these books: Author Jim Burns believes the key to instilling in children a healthy, values centered view of sexuality is to start the discussion early–being open and honest at every stage. The Pure Foundations series is already guiding parents of preteens and teens through potentially awkward conversations. Now two fully illustrated books–one for pre-readers and one for early readers–complete the series.

God Made Your Body is for 3 to 5 year olds. This book provides the basic foundation that god created our bodies and wants us to honour him with our bodies. It includes why girls’ and boys’ bodies are different and that these differences mean that they can become a parent when they are grown up. You can find this book at Amazon.

How God Made Babies is for 6 to 9 year old children. This book is an introduction to basic sexuality and includes why god made males and females differently and with a purpose. You can find this book at Amazon.

The Purity Code: God’s Plan for Sex and Your Body is for 11 to 13 year olds. This book tackles sexuality with the goal of instilling godly values about sex, their body and relationships. You can buy this book at Amazon.

Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality: A Biblical Approach to Prepare Them for Life is for parents. This book is designed to help you guide your children with a healthy perspective regarding their bodies and sexuality. You can buy this book at Amazon.

God Made Me

God Made Me is a series of 8 children’s books for Christian families. These books are very popular, and I do think that is partly because of the modern and colourful artwork. These books look more modern than most of the other sex ed books for Christians.

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God made Me

Six of the books from the God Made Me series are relevant for sex education.

God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb is written for 2 to 8 year old children. This body safety book is the first in the series, and covers body boundaries, public and private, appropriate and inappropriate touch, and more. You can buy this book from Amazon.

God Made Me AND You: Celebrating God’s Design for Ethnic Diversity by Shai Linne is written for 4 to 11 year old children. This book is about ethnic diversity and encourages acceptance. You can buy this book from Amazon.

God Made Me in His Image: Helping Children Appreciate Their Bodies by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb is a book about body image and acceptance of differences in appearance. There is no age range provided, so I am guessing it will be suitable for children aged 4 to 11 years. You can buy this book from Amazon.

God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender by Marty Machowski is written for 2 to 7 year old children. This is a book about gender, and is based on the belief that we are made in God’s image as male or female. You can buy this book at Amazon.

God Made Babies: Helping Parents Answer the Baby Question by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb is written for children aged 4 to 8 years. This book is about where babies come from and not sex. You can find this book at Amazon.

God Made Me Unique: Helping Children See Value in Every Person by Joni Eareckson Tada is written for children aged 4 to 8 years. This book is about disability and the acceptance of everyone, regardless of their appearance or abilities. You can find this book on Amazon.

Growing Up God’s Way

Growing Up God’s Way by Chris Richards & Liz Jones is a popular Christian puberty book. The goal of these books is to provide accurate information about puberty in alignment with the Bible and Christian ethics.

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Growing Up God’s Way by Chris Richards & Liz Jones

Growing Up God’s Way for Girls has been written for 10 to 14 year old girls. This book covers marriage, what puberty is and how it starts, how their body changes, the physical changes it makes to boys’ bodies, physical intimacy, changes in the way you think, dating, and preparing for the future. You can buy this book at Amazon.

Growing Up God’s Way for Boys has been written for boys aged 10 to 14 years. This book covers marriage, what puberty is and how it starts, how their body changes, the physical changes it makes to girls’ bodies, physical intimacy, changes in the way you think, dating, and preparing for the future. You can buy this book at Amazon.

Dannah Gresh & Bob Gresh

Danneh Gresh and Bob Gresh have written some popular Christian books about puberty for children. They are predominantly for girls, but there is one book for boys.

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Puberty books for boys and girls by Dannah Gresh and Bob Gresh

It’s Great to Be a Girl!: A Guide to Your Changing Body is written for girls aged 8 to 11 years. This puberty book will tell your daughter everything she needs to know about puberty (and how to handle it), including including tips on hygiene, hair care, makeup, nutrition, exercise, and more. And all written from the bible’s perspective. You can buy this book at Amazon.

It’s Great to Be a Guy!: God Has a Plan for You…and Your Body! is written for boys aged 8 to 12 years. This puberty book will explain what physical changes to expect (and how to handle them), has tips on staying healthy, feeding your body, and other things a guy needs to know about his changing body and feelings. And all written from the Bible’s point of view. You can buy this book at Amazon.

A Girl’s Guide to Best Friends and Mean Girls is written for girls aged 8 to 12 years. This book is about friendships and will teach your daughter what true friendship is and how to make wise choices, overcome hurts and jealousy, ask for and extend forgiveness, and strengthen her relationship with Jesus. You can buy this book at Amazon.

A Girl’s Guide to Understanding Boys is written for girls aged 8 to 12 years. This book is designed to help your daughter to understand boys from God’s perspective, so it covers dating and healthy relationships. You can buy this book at Amazon.

The Ultimate Guys & Girls Body Books

Walt Larimore MD has written two puberty books for Christian boys and girls. These books provide facts with biblical passages to provide spiritual context.

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The Ultimate Girls’ Body Book and The Ultimate Guys’ Body Book

The Ultimate Girls’ Body Book: Not-So-Silly Questions About Your Body by Walt Larimore MD and Amaryllis Sanchez Wohlever MD is written for 10 to 13 year old girls. It’s a puberty book that has a Q&A format that covers what puberty is, the changes that happen (and what that means), how to care for their changing body, liking someone, tattoos, piercings, sex and more. You can find this book at Amazon.

The Ultimate Guys’ Body Book: Not-So-Stupid Questions About Your Body by Walt Larimore MD is written for 10 to 12 year old boys. It’s a puberty book that has a Q&A format that covers what puberty is, the changes that happen (and what that means), how to care for their changing body, liking someone, tattoos, piercings, sex and more. You can find this book at Amazon.

Life Before Birth by Gary E. Parker

Life Before Birth by Gary E. Parker is an older book that is still very popular with families as it provides a Christ-centred view of human life.

This book follows a Q&A format and has been written for children aged between 10 to 12 years. It is about the creation of life and includes biology and how life is created (including DNA and chromosomes), how a baby develops before it is born, abortion, birth defects and sex within a marriage. You can find this book at Amazon.

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Life Before Birth by Gary E. Parker

The Amazing Beginning of You by Lisa and Matt Jacobson

The Amazing Beginning of You by Lisa and Matt Jacobson is another popular Christian book about how life is created, from conception to birth. This book has been written for children aged 8 years and older.

This book is different in that it combines facts with a mix of photos and illustrations. It is conservative though, and reflective of the time it was published (2002). So it is a combination of science and God’s involvement in the making of life. You can find this book at Amazon. You can find this book at Amazon.

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The Amazing Beginning of You by Lisa and Matt Jacobson

A Child’s First Book About Marriage by Jani Ortlund

A Child’s First Book About Marriage: God’s Way is Always Best by Jani Ortlund is a Christian book about marriage and how God’s plan is for new life to be created within the confines of marriage. The author explains what marriage is, the different views of what it is, what it isn’tand what it can be. Sex is briefly mentioned in that it should only happen within a marriage. You can find this book at Amazon and it has been written for 9 to 12 year old children.

I have managed to find you a reading of the book by the author on YouTube.

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A Child’s First Book About Marriage by Jani Ortlund

Sexual purity books by Jennie Bishop

Jennie Bishop has written two books about sexual purity for boys and girls: The Princess and the Kiss: A Story of God’s Gift of Purity and The Squire and the Scroll. These books share the idea that we are each given a gift worth saving for the one we marry. These books were published in 2000 and 2004, and are intended for children aged 3 to 8 years of age.

You can find a copy of the the Princess and the Kiss at Amazon. And I have also managed to find you a YouTube reading of The Princess and the Kiss: A Story of God’s Gift of Purity.

You can find the Squire and the Scroll at Amazon. And I have found you a YouTube video with a reading of this book.

covers of the princess and the kiss and the squire and the squire and the scroll by Jennie Bishop
God’s Gift of Purity by Jennie Bishop


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